Complete Python Tutorials for Beginners in Hindi

About Course
With Python Programming Language you can make Desktop Applications, Web Applications, Games, AI/ML, Hacking, etc.
And this course covers all the aspects of programming in Python from Beginners to Advanced. You will be making real world projects like Brick Game, Snake Game, Web Applications (3), Google Search Tool, QR Code Generator/Reader, etc.
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Course By – “Learn Code With Durgesh”
Course Content
All Lessons
Course Overview
05:56 -
Why do we need programming languages?
14:06 -
What is Python | applications of a Python programming language
16:32 -
Features of Python
07:13 -
Quick History of Python Programming Language
05:32 -
Installing Python | Installing VS Code | Installing Sublime
15:07 -
Ways of running Python Program | Interactive Mode | Scripting Mode
14:13 -
Running Program on Smartphone | Running Program without installing python
10:31 -
Print function in Python
09:57 -
Help function in Python
07:44 -
Variables in Python | Python Variables
15:57 -
Type function in python
06:35 -
Comments in Python
08:34 -
Keywords in Python
13:09 -
Identifiers in Python
14:31 -
How to check any word is valid Identifier (keyword) in Python using Code
06:55 -
Indentation in Python
11:12 -
What is Datatype
07:33 -
Numeric Data Type in Python
14:51 -
String Type in Python | Python String | String Immutability
10:26 -
Slice Operator | Slicing of String in python
15:38 -
Python Negative Indexing | format() , lower() , title() ,startswith() | methods
25:41 -
Some more string methods | index(),count(),find(),split(),join(), swapcase()
17:02 -
5 Most important string questions | String Exercise
20:08 -
List Type in Python
11:06 -
List Operations | Important Functions | Important Methods
20:31 -
Tuple in Python | Tuple Operations in Python
18:09 -
Set Type in Python
18:47 -
Dictionary in Python | Python Dictionary | Dictionary Operations
18:47 -
Type conversion in Python | Type Casting in Python
22:31 -
if , if..else , if..elif..else in Python | Conditional Statements in Python
20:34 -
Draft LessonLoops in python | For Loop | While Loop | range function
14:06 -
Practical Session of Loops in Python | For loop | while loop
11:55 -
Loop with else in python | for ..else | while..else
09:52 -
break , continue and pass statement in Python
09:32 -
Functions in Python | Complete Explanation
27:40 -
How to use functions in our Program | Even number | Prime Number
15:44 -
Lambda Functions in Python
14:18 -
map , filter function in python
16:36 -
PyCharm Installation | reduce function in python
17:19 -
Python File IO | Writing data to files
21:18 -
File Modes | Reading from files
12:04 -
With Statement to open file | File Copier Program
06:58 -
Python IO : tell() and seek() function
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