Hibernate for Beginners in Hindi

About Course
With this course you will be able to make Java Application more master, secure and scalable. Use of Hibernate Framework will simplify the development of Java Application to interact with database.
The framework will boost the performance of Java Application, can create tables automatically, simplify complex joins and also provides statistics about Query and Database Status.
This Course will help you to be an advanced Java Developer and start creating Professional Real-World Application.
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Course By – “Learn Code With Durgesh”
Course Content
All Lessons
Course Overview | Prerequisite of hibernate course
07:20 -
What is hibernate Framework | ORM Tool | Hibernate is ORM Tool
17:25 -
Creating MAVEN Project for hibernate and Adding dependencies
10:10 -
Simple Java Project with hibernate dependencies
06:29 -
Configuring Hibernate in our project | hibernate configuration | hibernate.cfg.xml
21:13 -
First Hibernate Program using Annotations | how to save data using hibernate
26:51 -
Basics Commonly used Hibernate Annotations
13:08 -
Saving Image and other type value with hibernate | PRACTICAL SESSION ANNOTATIONS
23:59 -
Fetching Object | get() method | load() method
25:01 -
Embedding Objects
17:56 -
OneToOne Mapping | Hibernate Mapping
34:52 -
OneToMany Relationship | ManyToOne Relationship
23:45 -
ManyToMany mapping
08:26 -
Many To Many Mapping | Practical Session
19:19 -
Fetch Technique Theory | Lazy Loading | Eager Loading
08:16 -
Fetch Technique Practical Session | Program of Lazy and Eager Loading
09:18 -
Hibernate Objects States | Persistent Life Cycle
12:33 -
Hibernate Objects States Practical Session
14:24 -
Complete Java Web Application | NoteTaker | Hibernate | Servlet | JSP
01:51:18 -
What is HQL ? | Why to use HQL ? | Hibernate Query Language
11:33 -
How to execute HQL Queries
15:03 -
Some more HQL Complex Queries | Delete | Update | Join Queries
19:00 -
Implementing Pagination using Hibernate HQL Queries
17:09 -
Executing Native SQL Queries using Hibernate
11:36 -
Hibernate Cascading
11:59 -
Hibernate Caching
11:14 -
First Level Cache
07:09 -
Second Level Cache
11:50 -
Todo Project Part 2 : Hibernate Integration with Spring MVC
41:26 -
Hibernate Mapping using XML file : Theory
05:45 -
How to map class in hibernate using XML file : Practical
13:17 -
Hibernate Criteria API | Criteria Restrictions
14:12 -
Spring Data JPA Mappings in one Shot | Detail Video | OneToOne | OneToMany | ManyToMany Mapping
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