Microservices with Spring Boot in Hindi

About Course
Microservices or Microservice Architecture enables an organization to deliver large, complex applications rapidly, frequently, reliably and sustainably – a necessity for competing and winning in today’s world.
This architectures small scale and relative isolation can lead to many additional benefits, such as easier maintenance, improved productivity, greater fault tolerance, better business alignment, and more.
Spring Boot’s many purpose-built features make it easy to build and run your Microservices in production at scale.
And in this course you will learn to create fully functional, secure and scalable Microservices.
Enroll Now for FREE!
Course By – “Durgesh Tiwari”
Course Content
All Lessons
09:02 -
Why Microservices?
13:05 -
What we are going to build to Master Microservices | Service Registry
12:28 -
Creating User Microservice
17:44 -
Complete User Microservice in one video
32:57 -
Creating Full Hotel Microservices with PostgreSQL in one video
28:11 -
Complete Rating Microservice with MongoDB in one shot
32:03 -
Implementing Service Registry using Eureka SERVER
15:03 -
Implementing Service Discovery Client
13:12 -
Implementing Service Discovery Client in Hotel Microservice
06:54 -
Implementing Discovery Client in Rating Service | Understanding Microservice Communication API
10:44 -
Microservices Communication | How USER SERVICE Communicate to RATING SERVICE
22:47 -
Calling Two Microservices Together
15:16 -
Removing Host and Port of Microservices
09:45 -
Using Feign Client
12:28 -
Free Source Code Update
03:09 -
Feign Client POST PUT DELETE Http Calls | Detail video with Practical
15:40 -
API GATEWAY with Example
13:38 -
Implementing API GATEWAY in Simple ways
25:49 -
API Gateway configuring multiple url of microservice
08:07 -
Config Server in Microservices
06:44 -
Implementing Config Server in Microservices
25:27 -
Reading config from github | Implementing config client microservices
16:39 -
How to handle if microservice is faulty ? | Fault Tolerance and Circuit Breaker
14:33 -
Implementing Circuit Breaker using Resilience4J in one shot
38:39 -
14:49 -
Rate Limiter in Microservices | What is Rate Limiter with Example ?
05:37 -
Implementing Rate Limiter using Resilience4J in microservices
11:53 -
Securing Microservices with Spring Security and OKTA AUTH | Understanding Workflow | OAuth | JWT
15:30 -
OKTA Configurations | Creating Account | Groups | Peoples | Application
14:58 -
Implementing Spring Security at API GATEWAY using OKTA detail video
41:14 -
Major challenge while implement security in microservices
14:15 -
Creating Feign Client Interceptor Step by Step
14:06 -
Creating Rest Template Interceptor
09:08 -
Implementing Security in Microservices | Rating Service and Hotel ServiceDraft Lesson
12:16 -
Finally Testing Secure Microservices App
15:12 -
End of Microservice Course
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