Pentesting for Noobs

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About Course

“Do Not Use The Knowledge and Information from this Course for Unethical Purpose”.

In this course you will learn the fundamentals of Penetration Testing for Cyber Security.

Penetration testing is the process of evaluating the security of an application and exploiting found vulnerabilities and security risks within an asset like websites, servers, databases, networks, or mobile applications to see the extent of severity they pose to the security.

Penetration testing aids in evaluating an application’s security through hacker-style exploitation to expose and assess security risks. Security risks can be present in various areas such as system configuration settings, and, login methods.

As a penetration tester, you can earn a paycheck by legally hacking into security systems. It can be a fast-paced, exciting job if you have an interest in cybersecurity and problem-solving.

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Course By – “The Cyber Mentor”

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Course Content

All Lessons

  • Episode 1 – Legacy (hackthebox)
  • Episode 2 – Lame
  • Episode 3 – Blue
  • Episode 4 – Devel
  • Episode 5 – Jerry
  • Episode 6 – Nibbles
  • Episode 7 – Optimum (hackthebox)
  • Episode 8 – Bashed (hackthebox)
  • Episode 9 – Grandpa
  • Episode 10 – Netmon

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